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3 more times…

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I finished!!! And I’ve only got to do this plus 3 more times to complete a marathon 🙂

Showing off the bling!

And in way less time than I thought.  I actually ran the course in 1:17 or something like that.  The official times will be up tomorrow but I was excited.  As rounded the last turn I saw the end of the clock and it looked like I was going to finish in my goal of under an hour and a half.  I sprinted the last .3 miles to try to make it under my time.

Turns out I was 1o minutes ahead of the time I thought.  I actually finished in the time I test ran this distance on the treadmill.  Shocked the heck out of me because this course actually had hills.  We’re talking big ups and downs that made me rethink my training on just a treadmill without changing inclines.  I was sure that this would just be a base line for the other 10K I want to run this summer before my Half Marathon in Philly in September.  Oh and it would be relaxing with views like this…

I was pretty dang proud of myself since when I lined up at the start…

There weren’t many options for race paces.  I know I run about a 12 minute mile so I was very disappointed when I only saw these two as the slower options…

So I annoying lined up between the two and hoped for the best.  My pace was spot on so I’m pretty happy with how I lined up.

Freezing my tushy off in the shade.

I came out pretty much unscathed except for the realization that I had to run the course twice….It was two loops of the same hills and everythings.  This is about the time that I realized I had to run those hills all over again.

You've got to be kidding me.

I almost quit because I had already run 5K and I was tired.  With my depression I hadn’t been feeling well so I was pretty dang proud I had gotten up for the race at all.  Then I heard Hunni scream, “Good going Cynthia”  and I really couldn’t stop.  I decided to push to mile 4 and see if I wanted to turn around and go to Starbucks.  I really could have used some coffee at this point.  Then at mile 4 I told myself I only had 2.5 left which was less than I normally run.  And then somewhere around mile 5 I hit a groove and finished.  I think I ticked off some girls that I had been following the entire time when I sprinted passed them to the end.  The thought of water and food spurred me forward…real quick….like Flash Gordon, or the Flash…Sorry Hunni I still get those confused.

I chugged a ton of water and got in line for some treats.  I was super starving…and the finishers medal just wasn’t cutting it.

Kind of hard and metally.

It was the kind of hunger that if I didn’t eat I was going to puke.  have to rethink fueling for the next race.  But this place was stocked.  The email we received earlier this week saying they had been baking all week wasn’t kidding.  I snagged a blueberry muffin and a piece of banana bread.  And Hunni asked for a rice krispie treat and a cupcake.  Since we did officially pay for him to enter the race although he didn’t run I obliged.

Chowing down.

I wanted more than just baked goods for my treats so after I cleaned up we went in search of a Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives restaurant close by our friend’s house.  O’Rourke’s was this cute little diner in Middeltown, CT.

Number 88 accomplished!

I’m still a timid blogger (and so are our friends) so just suffice to say that brunch was amazing with a great omelette full of veggies and sharing a plate of homemade breads.  Perfect to replace the 1000 calories I burned this morning.

And besides the medal I’ve got some good proof I ran a great race today.

Chafing from my iPod.

Nice Sunburny glow.

Sore knee on ice.

Onward and upward to the next race.  Of course after I take a little break this week to play at the playground with my cousins and long dog walks.  It will be a great rest week until I start half marathon training.


25 Comments leave one →
  1. Meg S permalink
    04/04/2010 5:40 AM

    Great job Cynthia! I am so proud of you for kicking major butt! It looks like you had great weather too! Wooohooo!

  2. 04/04/2010 7:48 AM

    Great job, Cynthia! I’m so proud of you for really pushing yourself,

  3. 04/04/2010 8:25 AM

    congrats!!! you did fantastically! what an accomplishment! you can do anything you put your mind to. yes it was hard, but wasn’t it worth the great feeling afterward?
    as for fueling, the rule of thumb i’ve heard is to eat a gu (or some other kind of easily-digested energy food) if you are going to be running over an hour.
    keep up the awesome work!

    • 04/04/2010 9:10 PM

      Thanks for the tip. I can’t eat GU because of my IBS but I’m working on alternative fuels.

  4. Jenny permalink
    04/04/2010 9:43 AM

    Great job!!!

  5. 05/04/2010 10:02 AM

    You rule. The most amazing bliss comes from pushing through stuff. Nice work!

  6. 05/04/2010 1:03 PM

    Congrats! You did awesome 🙂 Courses that loop twice are evil, major props for staying strong! 🙂

  7. Erin permalink
    06/04/2010 3:18 PM


    Great job Cynthia! So happy the race went well for you & you had a great Easter weekend!

  8. 06/04/2010 11:34 PM

    You. are. a. Rockstar!! Congrats again on an amazing race 😀

    Maybe next time a Camelbak might be good for fueling? I’ve only used mine for long walks and I love it!

    • 07/04/2010 10:34 AM

      I’m definitely looking into that. And that blog you let me know about for non GU related fuel. I’m going to need it for my 1/2 so I’m not puking on the side.


  1. Where Did the Time Go? | It All Changes
  2. Think Smart, Cynthia | It All Changes
  3. Anatomy of a Vacation | It All Changes
  4. Getting Back Into the Fitness Groove « Carrots 'N' Cake
  5. First Week of Blogging: It All Changes | Healthy Living Blogs
  6. Letter to My Calf | It All Changes
  7. How is 2010 Going? | It All Changes
  8. 2010 Goals in Review « It All Changes
  9. Just A Simple Nickel + Goals « It All Changes
  10. May 2011 Blogger Sponsors | Healthy Living Blogs

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