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Pigged Out + Goals


I’m normally a sensible eater and can manage my cravings pretty well.  But with the crazy things going on today food was just what I needed to soothe my soul.  I ate a sensible breakfast of triple berry Joey-o’s and almond milk and 6″ veggie sub for lunch.  But my mind is not my own today and I didn’t want to cook.  And I didn’t want to eat out.  So Hunni and I stopped for a pizza.  Hunni will eat anything you put on dough and call it pizza.  For me I’m picky about my pie and don’t like regular toppings.  So we went to our fancy favorite pizza place and got a large pie with no sauce, tomato, broccoli, spinach and a bit of bacon with a cheese mixture.  Twas divine and I loved every bite of my half.  Yep I said half.  And I finished it off with some cinnamon raisin rice pudding that will probably hurt my stomach later.  But it was too good to pass up with all this stress.  🙂  Back to normal tomorrow but this is about a lifestyle change and sometimes a splurge on junk is okay.  And it was fun to eat while watching Junky Pay-Per-View Wrestle-Mania to indulge Hunni.

I’m not going to even get into what exercises I did or didn’t do this week.  Just suffice to say I didn’t do more than I did do but I got some workouts in.  While this depression is taking over my brain I’m satisfied with something instead of nothing.  I’ll be back to me soon and the gym comes along with that.  No predictions on what is going to happen this week except I will be running my 10K on Saturday.  I may not run as fast as I had practiced but I’m excited to do it at all.  And since this week would be my taper week anyway I’ll be okay with not running as much this week.  But I will be back to posting my workout schedule when my brain gets back into gear.

As for the rest of my goals for this week I actually managed to get some things done.  This surprised me too.

  • Plan activities for my cousins’/MIL’s visit. I need a vacation so even though I won’t be closing our office and having a full vacation next week I will be having a night-time vacation.  This means no nightly ministries but lots of fun with family.  One thing I’m really excited about is Hunni is going to take his mom out to see Battle of the Titans while I have a girls night in with my cousins on Wednesday.  The reason I’m super excited is I really don’t want to see it but Hunni and my MIL do.  I’ll stay home and watch Princess Diaries or something while eating popcorn with two little princesses 🙂  Other fun things like long walks on the trail and sidewalk chalking out entire parking lot will be fun.
  • Menu plan for Spring Break. My cousins have eaten my healthy food and love it so they weren’t a problem to plan for.  But Hunni was no help on his mom’s likes and dislikes.  So I tried to plan for things that are tasty but still follow my accidental vegetarian ways.  Only one meal has meat (cage free organic chicken) because I thought others might not be as adventurous as Hunni and I are to eat lasagna with kidney beans instead of chicken.  But the rest are lovely meaty yet meat free dishes.  Now to just buy a few extra ingredients on Friday to stock my pantry.  I have no excuse not to cook while they are in town because I can’t afford for all 5 of us to eat out due to my laziness.
  • Buy a baby gate. My friend suggested a puppy gate instead of a baby gate for our furry babies.  So before we purchased the aforementioned pizza splurge we went to Petco and got a puppy gate.  And I already got a water bottle the other day so I got a ton crossed off my purchase list.  And we got to see a cute little puppy in line at the store that made me want another dog.  Hunni quickly shot this idea down.
  • Get at least 1/3 of the quilt squares done. So yeah I started this goal and had no energy to keep it up.  So Hunni agreed we would buy a gift card for the lovely couple and I would create a pretty IOU for their quilt.  I’m going to be sewing my fingers off once this depression lifts because it is fun and I have quilt gift list a mile long to complete.  For those of you I owe a quilt trust me I have plans to get them done…honestly I do.
  • Prep bikes for riding. Hunni pumped my tires full of air and then promptly broke the air pump 🙂  And we looked at bike shorts while in LLBean.  My hiney isn’t exactly made for the spandex version so I picked out a great pair of looser capri ones that I will enjoy and a pair of cargo short ones for Hunni.  And now that Hunni is more into biking they will be a good investment for Saturday bike rides.  Fun date night gear.

This week I have no idea what I’m up for.  I’m hoping I’m up for what I have planned but I’m fully prepared that next week might be a big fat zero full of red.  Here’s my pipe dream for the week.

  • Spend sometime with friends. My friend Toby is up visiting her family and wants to visit me.  So today is Sushi lunch day with an awesome girl!  And for Saturday’s we are staying with a great friend from seminary and after the race we are going out to a Diner, Drive-ins and Dives restaurant with him and his fiance.  And then Momma and the girls (my cousins) are coming on Saturday evening.  YEAH for people besides Hunni although I love the guy a ton.
  • Eat 5 out of 7 dinners and 3 out of 7 lunches at home. Depression or not I have food in my house that I can eat and that doesn’t take a ton of time to prepare.  I wrote a guest post for Brandi while she was in Spain about fit food versus fast food.  Unfortunately I’ve been eating more of the latter instead of the former because I haven’t felt like cooking.  No excuses this week.  I have a few meals I am going to eat out as planned (see above) but the rest I intend on eating at home even if it’s just some Annie’s Mac & cheese with veggies.
  • Pack for race ahead of time. We are leaving for our friend’s house right after our Good Friday Service so we don’t have to drive at the butt crack of dawn on race day.  And I can’t pack that day because we are delivering our Easter gifts to the nursing home that morning.  So I need to make a list and check it twice on what I’m packing for the race…I learned that one from Santa.
  • Prepare for guests. So I have food and activities planned but now I need my place to be prepared.  Not that Hunni and I are slobs but we’re busy and need to straighten up a little.  With kids visiting we kind of need a table to feed them at since I’m sure my aunt would not appreciate us eating on the couch like Hunni and I do most nights.  And we need to set up our air mattress for Momma to stay on Saturday when she drops off the girls and for Mother-in-Law (Lori) to stay on while she’s here for a few days.  Welcome to Hotel Crowsen 🙂
  • Enjoy my race. I may be more tortoise than hare on race day but I want to enjoy it.  I want to take in the fun of my first race of the season and my longest race to date.  I want to enjoy the sights around Hartford and I want to smile for the pictures my official paparazzi (Hunni) will be taking along the course.  I worked hard for this and it will be fun gosh darn it!
7 Comments leave one →
  1. 29/03/2010 9:18 AM

    Sounds like you have a lot planned and some amazing goals! Don’t forget to fit some ‘me’ time in there somewhere, even if it is just a 15 minute soak in the tub or time to sit by yourself and read a book.

    • 29/03/2010 9:31 AM

      Thanks Katie. My me time lately is listening to books while driving. 🙂

  2. 29/03/2010 3:33 PM

    You have a lot going on! That pizza half you ate sounds really good and healthy too.

    We used baby gates for our dog for a long time until we trained him to stay out of certain rooms in the house. They worked great!

    • 29/03/2010 4:16 PM

      I tried to make it as healthy as possible with all the veggies.

      When we move to a house I will definitely have to teach them to stay out of rooms.

  3. 29/03/2010 4:41 PM

    I love your attitude so, so much. If I had an “off” week before a race that I had trained hard for I’d be upset, frustrated and beating myself up about it…

    Meanwhile, you’re just going with the flow, recognizing that it is impossible to be perfect all the time, and that’s why you’re amazing 🙂 Hope you have a great race!!

  4. 29/03/2010 11:20 PM

    Your pizza sounds amazing.

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